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A photo of Brandi, a tutor from Florida Southern College


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One of my greatest passions in life is helping those around me with whatever it was they needed. My favorite however, was helping them homework or assignments.

In my junior and senior years in high school, I mentored- meaning I worked directly with either a 6th grade or freshman student to help them adjust to the school, their academics, and/or their area of study.

Today, I am a sophomore student at Florida Southern College and am currently working on building a program for less fortunate high school and college students to grow and develop their skills in music and media.

I'm am extremely eager to continue helping students in their academics and hopefully learn a bit myself along the way :)

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Brandi’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Florida Southern College - Current Undergrad Student, Music Teacher Education


Music, Cooking, Reading

Tutoring Subjects

AP Music Theory

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading


Essay Editing

High School Writing

IB Music


Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing


Music Theory



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