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A few years ago, I was flipping through a Irish TIME newspaper, and I came upon a two-page photo that sent a chill through my body. The picture of the beautiful landscape of the USA such as Utah, Washington etc. Life is an unpredictable journey that we all seek to understand or try to predict its outcome. Thousands of people come to the United States from around the world to study and improve their skills. Numerous programs provide a wide variety of learning opportunities. It made me feel and think about my life and ultimately the lives of the unfortunate. The photo had such an impact on me because it was not a photo of the past, but a photo of the present, and it hit me that there were so many horrible things going on in the world today. It made me feel petty for all the little complaints that I had in life, such as getting pimples. I am a sophomore in college and I am really trying to figure out what I want to do for the rest of my life. I want to help the unfortunate in our world today, but I am not exactly sure hot I would like to do this. I am considering being a doctor and getting involved with Doctors Without Borders. I have some experience in the medical field. Therefore, any bit of experience would be greatly beneficial to me. Since I am biology major with aim of pursuing medicine I'm interested in helping others as well as to improve the overall health and nutrition of people, I feel that I meet this request.

The American Dream is different for everyone, though it is most commonly associated with success, freedom, and happiness. The concept of the American Dream seems to have dwindled from where it was in the past few generations. It has gone from success, freedom, and happiness to having lots of money and the nicest possessions. It has been said that Americans are no longer trying to keep up with the Joneses, and instead looking at celebrities and the characters they portray in films or on television and therefore expect to have greater, more expensive possessions. As for me America is the land of opportunity. If I work hard enough, I can be whatever I want to be. If I truly want something, I can get it. I will work hard and grow up to be whatever it is that makes me happy. The sky is the limit. We can all remember hearing these statements and maybe even believing them at some point in our childhood, but now they seem almost comical.
It was the fall 2015 and after several advising appointments, emails, and phone calls, I am finally registered in Biomedical and Biological Science. As a newly declared Biology major, I really didnt know what to expect. All I knew was that we were going to be studying of biological stuff that I could barely handle my excitement. Since as long ago as I can remember I have always been fascinated by the natural world. That childish fascination has not left me but deepened over the years. This interest has led me to my love of biology. I am considering the Natural Resources major for various reasons. Since I was a child, I have been fascinated by the world around me. When I traveled to Ukraine and Bulgaria for NGO program, the medical efforts of these two countries interested me and I knew that I wanted to do something related to medical science. The summer of my junior year in high school, I attended an human biological science program at London Westminster University. I learned about the problems facing migratory people from Africa, Eastern Europe and how human populations were dwindling because of lack of medical care. During this time, I confirmed my desire to serve people with medical issues and find a way to balance the interaction between diseases and ways to cure them. We learned about the polio problems western Africa with the effects of dwindling numbers of children with limited access to health care and the tragedy of the commons. I enjoy engaging in activities that involve helping others. I have attended the Saturday Program, which involves about two hours of playing with children especially refuges from different underserved countries in the County Clare, Ireland area. While this may seem to be a stretch from medicine, I hope that my interactions with the children were helpful to them and perhaps may influence their health and lifestyle, even if in a minimal way. I feel that enjoying helping others is a large part of any career in healthcare, so I feel that this experience has been quite useful. At some point in high school, I was considering a major in biological sciences with a concentration in neurobiology and behavior because it has intrigued me from early in my high school career. After working in a biology preparatory lab and taking an honors biology course in high school, I discovered a general interest in science.
North Carolina Central University (NCCU) been a Historically black colleges and university which was founded on the belief that everyone deserves access to a college education. NCCU offer classes and extracurricular activities that can be harder to come by at other schools. Students often find that the courses offered at an NCCU give them a one of a kind opportunity to explore African American history and experiences. At an NCCU, youll find people who come from similar backgrounds and circumstances and who have had similar cultural experiences. Theres an atmosphere of community and collaboration among the student body, and the professors and faculty will be there to help nurture and guide you throughout your college education. NCCUs do primarily serve African American students, but they are accustom to unlimited cultural experience. On the contrary, people from all over the world come to the NCCU, which results in diverse student bodies. Majoring in Biological Sciences are well prepared for a rigorous medical curriculum. The relationship between faculty and students at NCCU is vital to students who hope to attend schools for many reasons. As a Biological Sciences major several courses including some of your entry-level courses will be taught by professional and well trained faculty. I will have the opportunity to hear lectures from and conduct research under scientists who are known throughout the world. As a student at NCCU I'm also assigned a faculty advisor to assist me with career and academic concerns. Each year several Biology majors are accepted to medical school who attended NCCU. As a Biology major attending NCCU, I have the opportunity to participate in world-class scientific research taking place within the Department of Biological Sciences. Students have opportunity to join laboratories studying cancer, genetics, cardiovascular and many more. undergraduates at NCCU participated in intensive research projects supported by our grant for undergraduate education from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute as well as students receiving summer internships programs. A Pre-Health Advising mentoring is available to incoming Freshmen Biology majors who plan to attend medical school. The students attend meetings and social activities as well as seminars designed to meet the needs of premedical students. If one hope to attend a health Professional school but would like to customize your undergraduate program you can choose among several different specializations within the Biology department.
NCCU managed to exceed my expectations. I originally chose NCCU because of how genuine every student I met was and that perception continues to persist. I have met the most interesting and talented people while at NCCU and have made some of the closest friends. One moment we'll be discussing a bio problem set, the next discussing the real solution to economic disparity, the next talking about our upbringings. While it's easy to think of NCCU as a competitive college, I think that's far from the truth. I have never collaborated as much as I have at NCCU. Everyone wants the best for each other and grades are not a focus. The social scene at NCCU is also great. Just based off of the year I've been here, I can already say that NCCU has changed me to be a more well rounded person. There is the stress of making a good adjustment because I believe my future depends upon my doing well. Since I have been away without my family, I do sometimes get homesick, miss my old routines and structures. Knowing my particular learning style, I was a bit apprehensive when the only workable section of biology classes for my schedule was offered on-line which I don't prefer. I usually perform best in a traditional class environment. The combination of an on-line class and the challenging nature of the material to be covered contributed to my nervousness. I found however, that it was not as bad as I had imagined. Do not get me wrong, there is a lot of work involved, but with the detailed lecture notes, assigned readings, homework problems, E-learn-smart and computational tools, and most importantly my professors for the encouragement which enable me to succeed in this course. It is exciting to be able to apply certain concepts learned in the course to an actual work assignment I was doing at the time. The ability to apply one concept in the "real world" encouraged me to look for ways to incorporate the other concepts learned. I truly enjoyed this university, the challenges that comes with it and really like the student-professor interaction. At this point I believe my cumulative GPA is between 28-3.1. I could have done better but life has its toll on me. Going through immigration process can be very stressful, especially when you don't know the outcome of your applications since every aspect of your life in the USA is dependent your immigration papers. Due this I didn't dedicate the time I needed to study well for my classes. NCCU provides student support programs, services, and activities consistent with its mission that are intended to promote student learning and enhance the development of its students. Most student support programs, services, and activities are administered through the Division of Student Success which very vital for me. I feel at ease to access all this benefits on campus. The mission of NCCU is to support and enhance the academic experience of a diverse student body resulting in my success. NCCU provides and supports the mission of the college by taking an active role with their students by engaging and facilitating their learning experience through career and personal exploration, and educational goal attainment in a professional and caring manner. NCCU informs students about their tuition and fee payment options, this helps me to apply for financial aid.
As an undergraduate, I have worked as a community care facility on weekend caring for elderly and disabled person at the Carillon Assisted Living of Durham. Also, I have been a volunteer in the emergency room at the UNC- Medical Center in Chapel Hill, NC in the summer of 2016. Finally, between 2011 and 2012 I was employed as a part time assistant caregiver in a nursing home at Ennis Nursing Home & Pairc na Coille Retirement Village in Ireland, where I work closely with nurses who administer palliative care to elderly residents. I am able to see how a private health care environment functions to succeed in promoting life and well-being. I have learned the types of drugs that are used, how they work, and what they are for; either to prevent or cure illness or control disorders. Throughout my undergraduate career, I have been involved in research through participation in Partner Program at North Carolina Central University and UNC-Chapel Hill, which concentrates on basic cancer research. During the summer of 2015, I worked in the laboratory of Dr. Ramon Battaller at UNC-Chapel Hill, with Dr. Veronica Massey as my mentor, to identify conditions that will favor the differentiation of bi-potent progenitor. I spent the following summer at Lineberger Cancer Center, working with Dr. David B. Darr on pre-clinical development of novel anti-cancer therapeutics in highly faithful genetically engineered murine models of human cancer in vivo. Since 2015, until present I have been working with Dr. Maxwell Gyamfi at NCCU during the fall and spring academic terms to investigate possible difference in alcohol hepatoxicity. The nature of biology focus on the living world, on everything from microscopic organisms to the human body. They look at all of the elements and questions surrounding life, from questions about reproduction, to the ways in which our physical environment influences the way we grow and develop. As biology majors I have a disposal a vast array of skills and tools that can lead to careers and professions in a wide variety of fields. In addition to being a stepping stone to a career in medicine, I have the opportunity to explore careers in some of the hottest and most rapidly developing fields such as genetics, biotechnology, and medical research.
Looking ahead at what is coming in the next month makes reality sink in. It feels like I just started college a couple of months ago and looking for a career is years away. I am interested in staying in North Carolina for a couple of years to get started on my masters at NCCU. In general, we all want to have lots of money, live in a nice home and drive a nice car or two. For me a nice comfortable place is all I am in need of after graduation. After graduating from my masters, my plans are to either go to medical School. So regarding the question about getting more education to be qualified for a position, more education for me is always an option. As a biology student, my recommendation for incoming biology majors, will first and foremost be expected to complete tough courses. The course-load can be daunting and time-consuming, but it is doable. In addition to school, youll participate in diverse and interesting extracurricular activities to gain exposure to medicine and related fields. Research, volunteering, part-time work, and shadowing very important to your future career. One should still have some time to spend with friends and family and on hobbies. Just be prepared to sometimes make sacrifices, when your friend have free time and youre busy working on something outside of class. My ability to analyze and conduct independent research in vivo looking at liver nuclear receptors, with the aim of finding and understanding the effect of alcohol. Understanding the mechanism of livers enzymes will help comes with therapeutic mechanism.
When other people dont understand my words, whether it is academic or philosophical, I am always very willing to explain them in clearer words until others understand what I really mean. I believe communication to be an essential element to being a successful person.

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Prince’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: North Carolina Central University - Current Undergrad Student, Biology, General

Graduate Degree: North Carolina Central University - Current Grad Student, Environmental Science



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