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A photo of Elena, a tutor from University of Iowa


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Based on my experience as a student and as an instructor, teaching is an ever-evolving process where one is always looking for ways to improve yet also finding new challenges as research, teaching technology and classroom dynamics, and one’s own perceptions of what is an effective class, change and develop. I also find that I learn a lot from my students, and this sharing of opinions and experiences enriches the class content and keeps me from repeating the same patterns and routines. My goal in teaching is to not only stay in tune with new research, but also maintain and appreciation and an open eye for the process of teaching as a unique and dynamic event.

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Elena’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Iowa - Bachelor in Arts, Linguistics

Graduate Degree: University of Iowa - Doctor of Education, Linguistics


Horseback riding, hiking, yoga, travel, cooking

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