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A photo of Ariana, a tutor from Barnard College Columbia University


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I developed passion for the humanities at an early age and have since studied literature--everything from Chaucer to contemporary works--at Barnard College, Columbia University, and University of Oxford. I will receive my B.A. in May 2018. I have also worked in the Barnard Admissions office since my freshman year and was selected to be a Senior Interviewer for 2017-18; my experience in admissions has given me valuable insight into the college application process.

I believe that anyone can be a great writer and enjoy helping students articulate thoughtful, sophisticated, and creative ideas on paper, whether for an analytic paper or college application essay. In tutoring sessions, I encourage students to reflect upon their reading experience and get ideas on paper. I also work with students to develop a comprehensive understanding of literary devices and writing mechanics, which can help with both standardized tests and school assignments.

I am a patient and kind teacher but am also able to challenge students. In addition to studying, tutoring, and working in Admissions, I enjoy acting, singing, writing, and hiking and volunteer with Camp Kesem, a summer camp for children affected by a parent's cancer.

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Ariana’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Barnard College Columbia University - Bachelor in Arts, English

Test Scores

ACT Composite: 32

ACT English: 36

ACT Reading: 35

SAT Verbal: 730

SAT Writing: 710


Theater, music, journalism, foreign languages, film, improv, hiking, post-colonial/multi-ethnic literature and culture

Tutoring Subjects

ACT English

ACT Writing

American Literature

College Application Essays

College English

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

High School English

High School Level American Literature

High School Writing

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing



Public Speaking

SAT Reading

SAT Writing and Language

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Test Prep

Vocal Training


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