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A photo of Vince, a tutor from University of Wisconsin-La Crosse


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I'm an experienced tutor and have been tutoring online since October, 2016. I have 100% feedback rating at Chegg Tutors. There, I tutor: English, literature, history, government/civics, math, income taxes, business law and writing.

I earned a Bachelor of Science with Honors at UW-La Crosse in Secondary Education. On September 15, 2016, I passed the Test of Academic Proficiency (TAP) designed by the Illinois Licensure Testing System (ILTS). This showed my proficiency in math, algebra, writing, grammar and other literacy skills. On the same test, I ranked in the 90th percentile in Writing.
I taught two years in inner city schools. The first year was Our Lady of Tepeyac (f/k/a St. Casimir Elementary School) in Chicago and the second year at St. Eulalia in Maywood, IL. The classes I taught included reading, math and social studies.
Not only do I have experience with online tutoring, but I EXCEL at face to face tutoring. At two schools, my students improved and succeeded, because my expert tutor skills were utilized ! I have helped with beginning written assignments as well as editing. I received compliments from numerous parents when I was teaching for making history interesting for their students.
I look forward to the opportunity to tutor students at Varsity Tutors!

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Vince’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Wisconsin-La Crosse - Bachelor in Arts, History Teacher Education


rock n' roll, history, NFL, NBA, MLB

Tutoring Subjects

AP European History

AP U.S. Government & Politics

College English

College Level American History

Elementary School Writing


Essay Editing

European History

High School English

High School World History

High School Writing


Public Speaking

Social Studies

World History


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