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A photo of Brittany, a tutor from Olivet Nazarene University


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I am a high school Spanish Teacher of 9 years who lived in Spain. I currently teach in a bilingual kindergarten class. I have taught beginning Spanish to advanced levels and created the AP curriculum for my former school. I got engaged in Puerto Rico and married in Mexico. I love to eat Mexican food, travel to Spanish speaking countries, and help others learn about the Hispanic culture and language. My teaching methods are communicative and content based. I love to share creative ways to remember material such as songs, rhymes, and acronyms.

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Brittany’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Olivet Nazarene University - Bachelor of Science, Spanish Teacher Education

Graduate Degree: American College of Education - Master of Arts, Curriculum and Instruction


Spending time with my kids, traveling, singing, hiking, kayaking, and comedy.

Tutoring Subjects

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