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A photo of Malik, a tutor from The University of Texas at Dallas


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I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering and am a current graduate student in Aerospace Engineering with a concentration in Compressible and incompressible aerodynamic phenomena. I did very well in my Thermal/Fluid and Dynamics/Vibrations courses and as a result am able to tutor a lot of the associated benchmark courses. I truly enjoy helping my fellow student and find it rewarding to see progress being made over the time, since starting the supplementary instruction. Always looking to help wherever and whenever I can.

-Malik Pierson

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Malik’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: The University of Texas at Dallas - Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering


Reading, MIT Open Courseware on Engineering, Tutoring.

Tutoring Subjects


Calculus 2

Calculus 3

Electrical Engineering


Linear Algebra


Multivariable Calculus




Statics and Dynamics


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