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For my day job I serve as a consultant to Young Guru, Jay Z's audio engineer. I've always loved music - especially Jay. When I went to school for finance, it really stunned people that knew me because it was "so far" from what I loved. In reality, it wasn't.

The reason I love working with students in my free time is because tutoring isn't just about improving grades to me; it's about shifting the perception of what you can do. As a tutor, I aim to help you realize how subjects that you struggle with can help you in the long run. Moreover, I want to help you find the intersection of what you're good at with what you are passionate about.

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Ahmed’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Bentley University - Bachelor in Business Administration, Finance


Music, Sports, Politics, Skateboarding

Tutoring Subjects


Business Writing


Essay Editing

High School Writing


Personal Finance


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