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A photo of Donovan, a tutor from Eckerd College


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Hi there, My name is Donovan and I am currently a Sophomore at Eckerd College majoring in International Relations. I love to meet new people and try new things. I haven't been everywhere yet but it's on my list. I love music and am open for any opportunity to talk your ear off about it. Good vibes to all!

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Donovan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Eckerd College - Bachelor in Arts, International Relations


I LOVE music!! I am always on the lookout for new music and love to share what I've been listening to lately. I also played in HS and would love to talk about Football, Lacrosse or Drama.

Tutoring Subjects

American Literature

AP Comparative Government and Politics

AP U.S. Government & Politics

AP World History


College Political Science

Elementary School Writing


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

High School English

High School Level American History

High School Level American Literature

High School Writing


IB Global Politics

Middle School Writing

Political Science

Public Speaking

Social Sciences

Social Studies



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