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A photo of Bryant, a tutor from University of Rhode Island


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I graduated from the University of Rhode Island in 2011 where I received a Bachelor of Arts in French Studies with minors in English and Linguistics. I began my tutoring career during my time as an undergraduate student and worked at my university's Academic Enhancement Center where I tutored in French, English, Philosophy, and Sociology. After graduating, I spent time as an English teaching assistant in France. After returning to the US, I began working at the Alliance Franaise where I taught French for three years to adults and youth at various levels. I also spent time working in a French immersion school with children of many different ages. For the past two years I taught French to undergraduate students at Boston College where I was also working toward a Master's Degree in French Literature. Having obtained the Master's, I am now beginning a PhD at Vanderbilt University in Nashville. I am very passionate about French and about communicating my love for it to others in a way that would be contagious. This is certainly the area in which I have the most experience and the deepest affection, but I also enjoy tutoring in a wide variety of subjects. I have a particular love for literature, whether in French or English, and have a strong desire to see an increase in the number of students who find themselves enamored of it in the same way as I do. If I can help to produce that in some way, I will be satisfied. I think that education and rigorous, critical, analytical thinking are of the utmost importance in our day and age. I desire to encourage these things. In my spare time, I enjoy reading books on all kinds of subjects, playing and listening to music, and spending time with people from other cultures/countries.

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Bryant’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Rhode Island - Bachelors, French

Graduate Degree: Boston College - Masters, Romance Languages and Literatures


Reading (All Genres), Learning Languages, Playing and Listening to Music, Encountering Other Cultures

Tutoring Subjects

Adult Literacy

American Literature

AP French Language and Culture

College English

College Level American Literature

Conversational French


English Grammar and Syntax


Essay Editing


French 1

French 2

French 3

French 4

High School English

High School Level American Literature



Social Sciences

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