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A photo of Yuli, a tutor from University of Wisconsin-Madison


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Throughout college and my two years as a math teacher, I found that there isn't one best teaching method. Instead, each student is unique and this reflects in their learning style. A good teacher will be able to change strategies to accommodate for differences in learning styles. I hope to be the best teacher that I can be by listening to my students and adjust my style of teaching to fit the student's needs.

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Yuli’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Wisconsin-Madison - Bachelors, Biochemistry

Graduate Degree: University of Colorado Denver - Master in Public Health, Public Health

State Certified Teacher


hiking, painting, photography, animal lover

Tutoring Subjects

AP Biology


Cell Biology

College Biology

Conversational Mandarin

Elementary School Math


High School Biology


Life Sciences

Mandarin Chinese


Middle School Math

Middle School Science

Molecular Biology



Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

I believe in teaching that is catered towards the individual. Tutoring on a one-to-one level allows the teacher to incorporate strategies that are best suited to the student's learning style.

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