Certified Tutor
Undergraduate Degree: Rutgers University-Newark - Bachelors, Criminal Justice
Graduate Degree: University of Massachusetts school of law - PHD, Law
Playing basket ball and going to church
American Literature
College Level American History
College Level American Literature
College World History
Elementary School
Elementary School Reading
Elementary School Writing
GED Math
GED Reasoning Through Language Arts
GED Science
GED Social Studies
High School English
High School Geography
High School Level American History
High School Level American Literature
High School Political Science
High School World History
High School Writing
Middle School Reading
Middle School Reading Comprehension
Middle School Writing
Political Science
Social Sciences
Spelling Bee
Study Skills
Study Skills and Organization
World History
What might you do in a typical first session with a student?
During the first session, instead of jumping into the tutoring, I would learn about the student by asking him or her questions about his/her hobbies, career goals, etc.