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A photo of Alexandra, a tutor from University of Notre Dame


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I just graduated in May from the University of Notre Dame (GO IRISH!) with a B.S. in Preprofessional Studies and Psychology. I love math, but I chose a career path that does not require much beyond arithmetic and science-related math. Tutoring keeps math in my life, which is awesome! I also love tutoring because I love to teach. The best part about teaching (besides using math) is the relationships with my students. I have consistently built great relationships with my students to the point where my students and I not only have a special understanding of each other's capabilities and learning/teaching strategies, but also have a lot of fun together.

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Alexandra’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Notre Dame - Bachelors, Preprofessional Studies and Psychology


french horn, tennis, dance

Tutoring Subjects

Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

Teach the student, not the material. Notice where the student is at. If a student understands something, move on. If a student does not understand something, be patient and do not give up on that student.

What might you do in a typical first session with a student?

I usually try to use the first 5-10 minutes to get to know the student, so I can get a general idea of his/her personality, likes and dislikes, and attitudes about learning. I would then spend the session figuring out how best to teach that student, i.e. with drawings, verbal explanations, practice problems, etc.

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