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A photo of Laura, a tutor from Earlham College


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My name is Laura and I am a rising senior at Earlham College, which is a small liberal arts school in Indiana. I am majoring in two interdisciplinary programs--one called Peace and Global Studies, and the second called Women's, Gender, Sexuality Studies. Through these majors I have a background in English, Spanish, Arabic, history, philosophy, politics, and anthropology. I have strong reading and writing skills that I have gained from my academic career and that I have applied in two years of tutoring experience in the Earlham College Writing Center. I am especially interested in tutoring skills and subjects related to writing (every step of the process from brainstorming to proof reading!), reading practice, reading comprehension, literature and text analysis; I am able to help with these topics in standardized testing and am excited to work with any age group. I love thinking about new, big and interesting ideas in any kind of discipline and I am passionate about learning in all forms. I believe that learning can and should extend far outside the classroom, and that we learn in every aspect of our daily lives, from relationships to job skills to civil engagement to creative arts. I love teaching because I think that every single person has the ability to learn and find things they are passionate about. I try to bring a diversity of learning and teaching methods into my tutoring sessions so that every kind of student can be excited about learning. In my free time I enjoy dance, music and travel, and in the future I hope to attend graduate school. I look forward to working with any kind of student that comes my way!

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Laura’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Earlham College - Bachelors, Peace and Global Studies; Women's, Gender, Sexuality Studies


dance, music, reading, writing

Tutoring Subjects

College Essays

Comparative Literature

Conversational German

Conversational Spanish

English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing


German 1

Homework Support




Public Speaking



Spanish 1

Spanish 2

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization



Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

My teaching philosophy, in its most simplified form, is that everyone can learn and that learning comes in so many different forms. In practice this means that student and teacher have to figure out together how a student learns best and what can make the process fun for her/him/them. I also strongly believe that there is no absolute right and wrong, but rather that part of learning is learning what counts and does not count in the particular class or setting that a student is in. This applies to teachers too; teachers, mentors and tutors have so much to learn from their students. I think that the best learning often comes in the form of asking good questions and learning to think in a variety of critical and creative ways, rather than just finding answers or memorizing facts. Learning definitely is not restricted to the classroom or academic context, but rather applies to every aspect of life, from personal relationships to travel opportunities to job skills and beyond. A significant part of my teaching philosophy is that a student's most important standard is only her/him/themselves--I do not believe in comparing students in order to motivate (or demotivate them), but rather choose to focus on every students' own journey of learning and growing, strengths and weaknesses, challenges and successes. Lastly, I always endeavor to make learning a collaborative process. I believe less in the individualistic, competition and rank-driven learning and more in the kind of learning that happens as a combination of individual pursuit and relationship with others, whether this be discussion in a classroom, team work on a trip or evolution in relationships. Of course, whether a student has to focus more on competition or on collaboration completely depends on the context, and I do my best to identify and cater to the framework in which a student is learning. Learning has no bounds, and I hope to bring this mentality to every kind of learning that I engage in, whether as a student or as a teacher.

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