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A photo of Kishore, a tutor from University of Illinois at Chicago


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There are two qualities that define me as a person and as a teacher. The first quality is my love of learning. From the time I have been able to speak I have always asked questions about the beautiful and amazing world that we live in. Throughout middle school and high school I would question teachers, not to annoy, but because I had such a passion and curiosity for learning. This rigorous academic pursuit led me to BioEngineering for which I am currently pursuing an undergraduate degree at the University of Illinois at Chicago. BioEngineering requires background in Math, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, which is a very broad range of topics that I needed to master in order to succeed at my degree. It also requires creativity and curiosity to succeed in engineering. Although I have learned many things I continue to learn about the unknown because I am also part of a research team at UIC that studies traumatic brain injury and Alzheimer's Disease. All of these experiences show that I have a passion for learning about a broad variety of topics, and I continue to push the boundaries of my knowledge everyday. I will pass my love for learning to the best of my ability to the best of my ability. So not only will the student learn the material, they will learn how to learn, and they will love to learn
The second quality is my ability to adapt to any situation given to me. I have had the pleasure of being part of a relief trips to India, and leading two medical relief trips to Ecuador and Peru. During these trips, things can change in a blink of an eye and one must adapt in order to help the people in need. These skills can be translated to tutoring as well. Many styles of teaching wont work for some students. Since I have the ability to adapt, I can change my teaching style in the blink of an eye to assimilate to what the student needs and wants.

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Kishore’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Illinois at Chicago - Bachelor of Science, Biochemical Engineering

Test Scores

ACT Math: 31

ACT Reading: 31


Video Games, Basketball, Baseball, Football, Reading, Solving Math Riddles

Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

I break down the subjects as easily as possible for the student. I will not just give students the answer; I will work with so that they can answer the question, the end goal is that the student masters the material. If the student does not master the material then I have not done my job as a tutor.

What might you do in a typical first session with a student?

In a first session with a student I will first get a sense of what the student likes and dislikes, which helps me understand their learning style. I will then ask what they need from me in order for the student to master the material.

How can you help a student become an independent learner?

I will teach in a method that forces students to be able to learn on their own with help from me. Over time I will give less and less help so the student will eventually learn how to learn.

How would you help a student stay motivated?

For most students I will use candy to keep them motivated. If that does not work I hope to find common interests with the students to help keep them interested and motivated.

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