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A photo of Marcia, a tutor from University of Maryland-University College


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I graduated from the University of Maryland-University College. My Bachelor of Arts Degree is in History. My personal focus of study is military and social history and how they intersect. While working toward my degree, I was employed at both National Park Service Historic sites and a museum. In these wonderful settings, I learned how to make history come alive in all sorts of different ways. I'm a firm believer in using our location to its best advantage. Why "tutor" history when the student can live it? I also use all of the great interactive tools (games, videos, flash cards) on the internet to find the best method of learning for each student. While history is my main subject, I can also tutor in geography, a related subject. In my spare time, I do logic puzzles and research my own and other people's family trees.

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Marcia’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Maryland-University College - Bachelors, History


Reading, educational TV, logic puzzles, researching genealogy

Tutoring Subjects

College Geography

College Level American History

College World History

European History


High School Geography

High School Level American History

High School World History


Human Geography

Social Studies

US History

World History

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