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A photo of Andrew, a tutor from University of Central Florida


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I am currently an undergraduate perusing my bachelors degree in Computer Engineering at UCF.
My specialty is mathematics- I have been on Mu Alpha Theta in my high school and my team has placed numerous times and my qualifications prove my experience within my specialty.

I do enjoy tutoring others that are struggling in mathematics, from Algebra 1 all the way to Calculus 2. My method of tutoring is for the student to understand the different methods they can use to approach a problem, as least to get a good foundation for what they know. Solving mathematical problems is a passion that I have, as proven though my stubbornness (in a good way) and experience, and I want to share that with my fellow students. In my spare time, I enjoy coding, playing soccer, going to the gym, and playing video games, namely MOBAs.

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Andrew’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Central Florida - Current Undergrad, Computer Engineering

Test Scores

SAT Math: 730


Going to the gym, Coding, Videogames, PC Repair/Building

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