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A photo of Heather, a tutor from Adelphi University


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"The expert in anything was once a beginner." As a graduate of Adelphi University I received my Masters degree in Secondary Education and my teaching certification in Social Studies. I have worked with students ages 14-21 with various skill sets and backgrounds. Learning is a skill that continues through ones life and I believe in teaching not just the content at hand but tips and tricks that will help the student master their individual learning style. They will leave feeling confident in the material and knowing that in the future they will be able to extract information and master it on their own. I'm a dedicated teacher and tutor and am willing to go above and beyond to make the experience as enjoyable and beneficial as possible. I am available to my students off scheduled hours through email to help with any "roadblocks". On my own time I enjoy hiking, baseball, painting, cooking, and spending time with animals.

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Heather’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Adelphi University - Bachelor in Arts, History

Graduate Degree: Adelphi University - Master of Arts, Secondary Education


Painting, Cooking, Hiking, Exercise, Yoga, Reading, Music

Tutoring Subjects

AP Comparative Government and Politics

AP Human Geography

AP U.S. Government & Politics

AP United States History

AP US History

College Geography

College Level American History

European History


High School Geography

High School Level American History


Social Studies

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