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I graduated from New York University where I received my Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with a focus on Spanish and Latin American Literatures and Cultures. During my junior year I spent a semester abroad in Spain which sparked my love of travel. Throughout my undergraduate studies, I tutored junior high and high school students in various subjects but mostly in critical reading and writing. I particularly enjoyed helping students with essay writing because it was personally fulfilling to see their progress in a skill that has lifelong value and will have positive impact on all of their future endeavors. I also spent a year interning at the NYU Child and Family Policy Center where I worked with kids ages 2-7 who were participating in a school readiness home visitation program. This experience reinforced my belief in the importance of education and its power to improve children's self-esteem even children too young to have been enrolled in school. I am currently at Hunter College pursuing my Master of Arts in History with a focus on Latin America and completing a master's thesis on cultural reforms in post-revolutionary Cuba. I love learning about the past so I read a lot of history and look for hands on experience like participating in an archaeological dig in my native Bulgaria or doing archival research for my thesis. I am fascinated by languages, and I recently started studying German and Russian in addition to practicing my Spanish. In my spare time, I read, write, follow current events, watch movies, run, cook, and travel whenever I have the opportunity to do so.

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Vella’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: New York University - Bachelor in Arts, Spanish and Latin American Literatures and Cultures

Test Scores

SAT Verbal: 770

SAT Writing: 790

GRE Verbal: 165


Reading, Writing, Running, Cooking, and Traveling

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