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A photo of Lauren, a tutor from Missouri State University-Springfield


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I am a graduate of Missouri State University in Springfield, MO. I received my Bachelor of Science in Spanish with a minor in Psychology in 2013 and I was TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certified in 2014. I've always loved the idea of helping others learn a language. I have a strong passion for Spanish as well as traveling. With my degree, I was able to study abroad in Salamanca, Spain where I lived with a host family and took advantage of what Europe had to offer. I also translated for a team of doctors on a medical mission trip to Nicaragua. In 2014, I moved to Santiago, Chile where I taught English to Chilean students at a technical institute for 10 months. Here, I planned, developed, and delivered lessons to groups of 20. These experiences helped me hone my language abilities to a point of fluency. They also made me realize that I never want to quit learning and that I want to do what I can to help others learn. As a forever-language-student, I understand the struggles that come with learning a second language and pride myself on making my lessons as fun and applicable to real life as possible. In my free time, I love planning my next adventure, going to concerts, and enjoying the sunshine.

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Lauren’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Missouri State University-Springfield - Bachelor of Science, Spanish

Test Scores

ACT Reading: 33


I love travelling, going to concerts, crafting, and being outside.

Tutoring Subjects

College English

Conversational Spanish



High School English



Spanish 1

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

Spanish 4

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