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A photo of Reilly, a tutor from CUNY Queens College


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With a background in cognition based studies, I'd personally be obliged to teach you or your child what I know! Considering that many people go through intense stress in order to succeed in the school system these days, I'd be a refreshing back-seat approach to hopefully engage you or your young learner in the material involved. What is this 'back-seat' approach? The back seat approach is a method of going through material but rather than set strict quotas for a student. I work with the student to help them with whatever problem they may have. It works because the student doesn't realize that they are being guided in the long run, but gradually the student may become more adept to the material. And surely, after a few weeks of tutoring, the processes to solve a particular dilemma, the steps would become second nature to the student.

As I am comfortable with anything from Biology to History, and from Arithmetic to Algebra, and even English Reading and Composition (writing), I believe I am a great pick if you are looking for a tutor with a well rounded understanding and approach.

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Reilly’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Graduate Degree: CUNY Queens College - Masters, Graphic Design


Enjoys talking to people, producing works of art (he is a very visual person). Likes drawing things out while he tutors because he is so visual himself. Enjoys planning and organization very much!

Tutoring Subjects

AP United States History

AP US History


College Biology

College Geography

College Level American History

European History


High School Biology

High School Geography

High School Level American History





Middle School Math




Social Studies


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