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A photo of Randi, a tutor from Saint Vincent College


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I am a physics teacher in the Pittsburgh region. I studied Physics at Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. I received my B.S. in Physics in 2007. I then went on to obtain my M.S.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction from Saint Vincent College in 2009. I have tutored for many years in the subjects of physics, general science, chemistry, and mathematics. I have also spent several years as a lacrosse coach in the area. My favorite subject to tutor is physics. I like it most because I see physics all around me daily. I find it very easy to develop real life applications and examples in this particular area. My teaching style is very relaxed. I take as much time as needed by my students to ensure that concepts are fully understood. I bring to life real world applications and teach in a very hands on and practical way. Outside of academics, I am an avid reader, trumpet player, and hiker. I enjoy many different types of outdoor activities. I also enjoy spending my free time with my family.

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Randi’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Saint Vincent College - Bachelor of Science, Physics

Graduate Degree: Saint Vincent College - Masters, Curriculum and Instruction


Music - trumpet, lacrosse, reading, camping, hiking, running

Tutoring Subjects

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