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A photo of Bess, a tutor from Southern Adventist University


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I have a bachelor's degree in psychology from Southern Adventist University, located in Chattanooga, Tennessee. I worked as a research design, statistics, and general psychology tutor while earning this degree. I am currently in year two of a six year program to earn my PhD in Clinical Psychology. I tutor math, statistics, social sciences, and psychology. I enjoy tutoring math and statistics because I like trying to find new ways to help people understand sometimes complicated concepts. I find that things are easiest to learn if they can be applied to everyday kind of experiences, so I like to try and find ways to tie concepts into daily life.
While I spend a lot of my time wrapped up in school, particularly in research and statistics, I also work part time as a therapy intern, and in my free time I love to ride bicycles. I am an avid cyclist, and I enjoy working on my small collection of bicycles when I can find the time.

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Bess’ Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Southern Adventist University - Bachelor in Arts, Psychology


Cycling, drawing, painting, hiking, and traveling

Tutoring Subjects

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