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A photo of Gregory, a tutor from University of Pittsburgh


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Written communication is both my passion and my profession. A graduate of University of Pittsburgh (BA), New York University (MA), and Georgia State University (PhD), I have been actively writing and teaching for nearly twenty years. My areas of expertise include Business Writing, Composition, Creative Writing, Editing, Journalism, Literature, and Rhetoric. I have helped students at the high school and college level prepare for exams and essays with great success. In addition, I regularly write articles, copy, and news for popular and scholarly audiences. My skills as an editor have been honed over the years, and I am eager to help students learn to proofread, edit, and revise their work so that it meets the expectations of their instructors and peers. Currently, I teach college English in the Atlanta area and, in my spare time, I read widely, compose electronic music, exercise, and experiment with vegetarian cuisine in the kitchen.

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Gregory’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Pittsburgh - Bachelor in Arts, English

Graduate Degree: Georgia State University - PHD, English/Rhetoric & Composition


Reading, Writing, Music, and Cooking

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