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A photo of David, a tutor from University of Wisconsin-Madison


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My interests and experiences are in Physics, Astronomy, and Mathematics. This being the case, I really enjoy discussing these subjects with students. I received a Bachelor of Science in Physics and a Certificate in Mathematics from the University of Wisconsin - Madison, and next fall I will begin my graduate study in Astrophysics. I have also researched with my university's Observational Cosmology Lab for over three years. To be explicit, cosmology is the study of the cosmos, not of beauty products. That is cosmetology and I imagine I am slightly under qualified for a position as your beauty product tutor.

I have spent time tutoring Introductory Physics courses both as a private tutor and as a member of UW - Madison's Physics Learning Center. Physics, Astronomy, and Mathematics are far richer than collections of equations in classrooms and textbooks. These subjects are the living results of centuries of human insight and discovery. I take very seriously the project of motivating that outlook. I am of the belief that cultivating genuine investment in the material is the most pleasant and productive path to performance on the relevant tests.

Outside of my academic curiosities, I still have a weakness for two of my teenage passions: skateboarding and snowboarding. They've prevented me from growing up too fast. The plan is to give them up when my knees give out.

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David’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Wisconsin-Madison - Bachelors, Double Major in Physics and Philosophy, Minored in Mathematics


Skateboarding, Snowboarding, Hiking, Basketball, Soccer, Film, Writing

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