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A photo of Jessica, a tutor from SUNY at Binghamton


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After working as a high school English teacher in New York for ten years, I came to Austin to pursue a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction at UT.

Working with students on an individual basis is a wonderful opportunity for me to craft a personalized approach to subject matter and techniques. I especially enjoy working with students on their writing, whether personal essays or application statements that they have time to edit and revise, or on-demand writing tasks that appear on tests like the SAT or the AP Exam.

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Jessica’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: SUNY at Binghamton - Bachelor in Arts, English

Graduate Degree: Stony Brook University - Master of Arts Teaching, Teaching English 7-12

State Certified Teacher

Test Scores

GRE: 326

GRE Verbal: 165


reading, travel, yoga, walking my dog

Tutoring Subjects

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