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A photo of Giulia, a tutor from Columbia University in the City of New York


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I love learning and teaching others about things that interest me. Two areas in which I have a great interest are foreign languages and psychology. I have a passion for learning languages and am fluent in both Italian and French. I love the idea that learning another language opens up an opportunity for you to speak to millions of other people in this world!

I received my BA in Psychology and have experience in peer tutoring in the subject during my college years. When tutoring in Italian, French, or Psychology, I like to break down concepts into terms that are easy to understand and that incorporate examples and analogies so that they are easier to grasp. I enjoy working with students to help them realize that they know a lot more than they think they do! Confidence is a definite factor in successful learning and I am here to help both build confidence and make learning a fun and exciting activity.

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Giulia’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Columbia University in the City of New York - Bachelor in Arts, Psychology


Learning languages, traveling, cooking, reading

Tutoring Subjects

Conversational French

Conversational Italian





Social Sciences

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