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A photo of Vesela, a tutor from Illinois Institute of Technology


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I can help with variety of scientific courses and give you the motivation and study skills to do well in your classes, as well as solid basics and a thorough understanding of the underlying concepts.

I have several years of experience with tutoring a variety of Chemistry courses. I have also done multiple exam reviews, as well as prepared and presented workshops on specific subject areas in organic chemistry. I also received a top tutor award based on student ratings and working habits. Outside of that I have helped students in Genetics, General Biology, Biochemistry, Biophysics and a list of other classes.

I like to engage students in the learning process and give them multiple perspectives on a given topic. I often ask tricky questions to test what confuses the student or what details they tend to overlook. I also like to use colorful pens, and that is always a plus!

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Vesela’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Illinois Institute of Technology - Bachelor of Science, Molecular Biochemistry and Biophysics


orchids and other exotic house plants, exotic pets, crochet, dancing, art, music

Tutoring Subjects


Algebra 2



College Algebra

College Biology

College Chemistry

High School Biology

High School Chemistry



Organic Chemistry


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