If you're ready to invest in professional SOLIDWORKS certification training, Varsity Tutors can enroll you in a comprehensive online course that can make it easier to reach for your goals. SOLIDWORKS design software provides an intuitive, integrated 3D design environment that can be used during all aspects of the product development process to maximize engineering productivity. Employers are actively looking for candidates who understand how to use this software, so earning a formal SOLIDWORKS certification can be a great way to land a new job or negotiate a higher salary at your current position.
That said, you need to pass a standardized test demonstrating your ability to manipulate advanced features of SOLIDWORKS software in order to add one of the over 20 certifications available to your resume. If you feel like you could use professional assistance with your test prep, keep reading to learn more about the benefits of taking a formal SOLIDWORKS certification course.
Are There Any Exam Prerequisites I Should Know About Before Moving Forward With Professional SOLIDWORKS Certification Training?
All SOLIDWORKS tests are taken online, so you need at least an internet connection and a compatible device in order to take an exam. Every test also has minimum requirements for the version of SOLIDWORKS that you need in order to perform the functions required. The exam opens in a separate window from your SOLIDWORKS software, so many candidates choose to use dual monitors or even separate computers so that they can see both the exam and their SOLIDWORKS program simultaneously, though this isn't a requirement. If you opt for separate machines, make sure you can transfer files from one to the other seamlessly.
SOLIDWORKS certifications are available in three "levels" to designate how difficult the corresponding exam is: Associate, Professional, and Expert. Only the two Expert-level exams (CSWE and CSWE-S) carry formal prerequisites. The Certified SOLIDWORKS Expert (CSWE) exam requires candidates to have previously passed both the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional (CSWP) and four CSWP advanced topic tests. The advanced topic tests cover a variety of different skills, including Weldments, Sheet Metal, Mold Tools, Surfacing, and Drawing Tools. Similarly, the Certified SOLIDWORKS Expert - Simulations (CSWE-S) exam requires candidates to first pass the CSWP exam, the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate - Simulation (CSWA-S) exam, and the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional - Simulation (CSWP-S) exam.
Lower-level exams are open to anyone, but SOLIDWORKS provides recommended qualifications to give test-takers a better chance of proving successful. For example, the CSWA-S exam recommends that test-takers have at least 6-9 months of experience working with SOLIDWORKS and a familiarity with several of the topics listed in the test's content outline (Finite Element Analysis Theory, Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials, etc.).
What Material Can I Expect to Review During My SOLIDWORKS Certification Class?
We provide dedicated SOLIDWORKS certification training options for every exam, ensuring that you focus your test prep on the specific concepts you'll be tested on when you take your assessment. For example, a test-taker studying for the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam can review concepts such as inserting components, drawing views, sketch tools available in SOLIDWORKS software, and fill patterns.
Your instructor has a variety of different teaching techniques at their disposal to help you learn concepts like these. For instance, many kinesthetic learners prefer practical experience to help them understand new concepts. If this describes you, your instructor can provide sample problems and make the active use of the software a focal point of your SOLIDWORKS certification training. If you're more of an auditory or visual learner, your instructor can instead provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to approach a certain task that you may reference as you work.
Your instructor can also present material in an organized fashion, breaking complicated ideas into more digestible bits to make test prep feel less overwhelming. If you tried to review a SOLIDWORKS exam's entire syllabus at once, you'd probably come away feeling hopelessly confused.
Learning is easiest when you are interested in the material you're studying, so your instructor can look for ways to make the material more engaging. For example, a humorous story about the result of using a linear pattern when you should use a circular pattern can be a memorable way of understanding the differences between them.
Your instructor can also help you with the underlying academic skills you need in order to make effective use of SOLIDWORKS. For example, reference geometrical concepts such as planes, axis, and mate references are essential to product design. If you don't remember these concepts as well as you did in high school, your instructor can provide practice problems addressing your unique areas of opportunity to help you feel more self-confident.
While many of our competitors sell prerecorded videos as a "SOLIDWORKS certification class," all of our products entail live instruction. Your instructor does not need to follow any particular curriculum, allowing them to adapt sessions to the needs of the class. For example, you won't keep going over boss and cut features if you and your classmates already understand that topic. In contrast, a recording will keep saying the same thing over and over again no matter how well you might understand the material.
We thoroughly vet every SOLIDWORKS certification course instructor, so you can count on all of the information you receive to be correct and up to date. Your instructor can also create a learning environment in which questions are encouraged, making it easier to ask for assistance if you don't understand something.
What Is Taking A SOLIDWORKS Exam Like?
Every SOLIDWORKS exam has a unique structure, but there are several points of commonality. For instance, all SOLIDWORKS tests emphasize the practical use of SOLIDWORKS software, so you should plan on using it to answer every question. Every test is also timed and administered in an unproctored environment, so you should plan on taking the exam in an environment where you can avoid any technological issues.
Otherwise, the specific test you're taking dictates the types of questions you can expect. For example, the CSWP-S exam consists of three categories of questions administered over a testing session lasting 90 minutes. First, there are multiple-choice questions about broader simulation topics such as finite element analysis. Next, there are math items requiring the manual calculation of loads and stresses in simple scenarios. Finally, there are hands-on challenges to evaluate how effectively you can use multiple aspects of the software. You need to score at least 75 out of 100 in order to pass the test and earn the certification.
Can My Instructor Incorporate Test-Taking Strategies Into My SOLIDWORKS Certification Training to Help Me Reach For My Full Potential?
Your instructor will have a great deal of knowledge about the specific test you're taking, enabling them to provide you with test-specific strategies you can fall back on if you get stuck on test day. For example, eliminating some of the incorrect answer choices can be a great way to deduce the answer to a multiple-choice item even when you don't actually know the answer.
Let's say that a specific question has four answer choices. A blind guess has a 25 percent chance of proving correct, but that number goes up to 33 percent if you eliminate one, 50 percent if you can eliminate two, and 100 percent if you get rid of three. Just make sure that you actually know that it's safe to eliminate a particular answer choice before you stop considering it.
Your instructor can also share time management strategies to help you answer every item within the allotted time. For instance, it is seldom in your best interest to spend an extended period of time puzzling out one question while the clock ticks away. Instead, move on so that you have a chance to answer the easier questions waiting beyond it.
Taking practice exams under realistic test-taking conditions can be a great way to understand how to effectively budget the time available to you. If you find that you're not finishing on time, your instructor can help you identify what's giving you difficulty so that you have a chance to correct the problem.
For example, taking practice tests can give you a sense for how an exam treats important keywords such as "not" and "except" so that you can notice them quickly and respond appropriately. You can also gain firsthand experience working with the test's electronic interface, so you don't have to worry about figuring out how something works on exam day. Likewise, understanding all of the directions before the exam even begins means that you don't need to spend any valuable test-taking time reading them.
You can also review the results of your practice test with your instructor, making it easier to understand where you're improving and anything you might need to look over again. If you're preparing for the CSWPA-MM (Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Mold Making) exam, finding that you consistently answer questions regarding shrink/scale factor could increase your self-confidence when comparable items appear on your actual test. Alternatively, you know that you need to review draft analysis again if you keep answering items about it incorrectly.
If you deal with test anxiety, your instructor can teach you how to control it as you pursue your goals. Some test-takers find that simply having confidence in the quality of their SOLIDWORKS certification training goes a long way toward calming their nerves. If you're looking for something a little bit more proactive, your instructor can demonstrate helpful meditation techniques you can use to soothe your nerves and concentrate on the specific question in front of you.
Are There Any Benefits to Studying in the Collaborative Learning Environment Provided By A Formal SOLIDWORKS Certification Course?
Considering the value that an expert instructor can add to your test prep experience, it's only natural that you would be hesitant to share your teacher with other students. However, many students find that studying in a collaborative learning environment makes it easier to understand challenging concepts than it would be working independently.
For example, teaching can be one of the best ways to improve your own understanding of a topic. You can't really teach your instructor anything that they don't already know, but helping your classmates with any learning obstacles they are experiencing can be a great way to reinforce your own knowledge while preparing for the exam.
Similarly, one of your peers may be able to explain a concept in terms that help it click for you. Another fellow student may be able to share a mnemonic device that makes it easier to remember a mathematical formula if your rote memorization skills aren't up to snuff.
Your instructor can also break your class into groups to encourage the free exchange of ideas. If your software isn't doing what you think it should be doing, an extra set of eyes can be all it takes to identify the problem so that you can fix it on your own next time.
Are There Any Other Benefits Associated With Formal SOLIDWORKS Certification Training?
Sometimes, the most challenging part of preparing for a certification exam isn't the material itself, but instead, setting aside the time to study. There are probably plenty of other things you would rather be doing, and procrastination can quickly lead to a slippery slope that ends with you feeling completely unprepared on test day. Enrolling in a SOLIDWORKS certification class ensures that you set at least some time aside for test preparation, providing a foundation you can build on.
Should you decide to engage in some independent study to supplement your course instruction, your instructor can recommend trustworthy test prep materials so that you're working with current information. SOLIDWORKS software is updated regularly, and you do not want to fill your head with information that's no longer accurate.
Your instructor can also provide test-taking tips that many students don't even realize they need until it's too late. For instance, eating a good meal before you sit for the exam can ensure that hunger doesn't distract you. Wearing a favorite outfit and having a good luck charm close at hand can also put you in a positive frame of mind, helping you do your best. While there is no way to pause the timer once the test starts, it's still okay to take a short break if you need one.
Since the exam isn't proctored, you can have your class notes handy to look up anything you don't remember. Keeping scrap paper handy can also be a good idea, as jotting things down before your exam can prove faster to reference than your class notes.
Can I Really Fit Professional SOLIDWORKS Certification Training Into My Busy Schedule?
While many of our competitors almost seem to go out of their way to make SOLIDWORKS certification training as inconvenient as they can, we strive to make it as easy as possible. Our exclusive Live Learning Platform allows you to attend class meetings from anywhere with a stable internet connection, giving you total control over your own learning environment. If you don't want to leave home, you don't have to. If you would prefer to study at your mother's house or even a local library, our platform is compatible with a diverse array of mobile devices for your convenience.
Our proprietary Live Learning Platform also offers powerful features such as a virtual whiteboard and video chat functionality to provide a premium study experience comparable to anything you could get in a more traditional course. You can see and hear your instructor at all times, so asking for assistance is as easy as raising your hand. Working remotely also eliminates geographical considerations from your choice of instructor, enabling you to work with the best teacher no matter where you live.
Varsity Tutors understands how busy you are, so we provide both two-week and four-week course options to help you find a fit for your lifestyle. If you want to finish your test prep as quickly as possible, a two-week course may make sense for you. If you're interested in minimizing the impact test prep has on your lifestyle, spreading your sessions out over four weeks could be a better option. You get the same quality instruction and number of contact hours either way, so go with whichever option makes the most sense for you.
We launch new classes on a monthly basis, so you're never too far away from a starting date. You also have the right to arrange private study time with your teacher, giving you the opportunity to seek additional support whenever you feel the need.
Can I Get Started Right Now?
If you had to find your own SOLIDWORKS certification course instructor, you would need to verify that they have the availability you need, the knowledge base you expect, and the communication skills to effectively convey information to students like you. Who has time to do all of that?
Instead, trust Varsity Tutors with all of your SOLIDWORKS certification training needs. Educational Consultants are currently standing by to answer any questions you might have, so reach out to us today to get the convenient enrollment process started! You'll be glad you did.
SOLIDWORKS Certifications
- CSWA - Mechanical Design
- CSWA - Mechanical Design - Academic Version
- CSWA-Simulation
- CSWA-Additive Manufacturing
- CSWA-Electrical
- CSWA–Sustainability
- Platform Explorer Associate
- CSWP - Mechanical Design
- CSWP - Mechanical Design - Academic Version
- CSWP-Simulation
- CSWP-Model Based Design
- CSWPA-Drawing Tools
- CSWPA-Mold Making
- CSWPA-Sheet Metal
- CSWPA-Surfacing
- CSWPA-Weldments
- Certified PDM Professional Administrator (CPPA)
- CSWE - Mechanical Design
- CSWE – Simulation

Trevor: SolidWorks instructor
...team player, and I strive to find challenging work that allows me to use all facets of my skillset. I love Math! It has always been my favorite subject, and I enjoy both learning about new concepts and sharing/teaching the ones I'm familiar with. I especially like calculus - its the language of change, and...
Education & Certification
- Northeastern University - Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering
Subject Expertise
- SolidWorks
- AutoCAD
- Thermodynamics
- +37 subjects