If you're looking for assistance getting ready for your Solidworks exam, you can take advantage of the services offered by Varsity Tutors by allowing us to set you up with Los Angeles SOLIDWORKS certification training. There are a total of 20 SOLIDWORKS certifications available for your choosing, and the certifications are categorized by degree of difficulty: Associate, Professional, and Expert. Of the 20 certification exams, some examples include the CSWA - Mechanical Design exam, the CSWA-Electrical exam, the CSWPA-Mold Making exam, and the CSWPA-Weldments exam. The whole gamut of test-takers can profit from the expert assistance provided by a Los Angeles SOLIDWORKS certification course.
The classes are conducted live, which means you can be the beneficiary of the kind of study support that you can't get from studying alone. Online instruction also opens up your schedule by eliminating the commute to class. Furthermore, you have the choice of where to attend your sessions, whether you prefer to learn from home or another place conducive to study such as the West Hollywood Library. Your choice of location is endless as long as there's an internet connection available.
You might be dealing with a busy schedule and are concerned that you don't have the free time to study for SOLIDWORKS certification. We take this into consideration by offering convenient scheduling with the goal of facilitating your enrollment in Los Angeles SOLIDWORKS certification training. With the convenient choice between a two- or four-week course, you can sign up for whichever schedule best aligns with your needs. Since courses begin on a monthly basis, you can get started quickly with your studies. Given that several courses are in session at once, you have considerable flexibility with hours and dates. With these choices at your disposal, we hope to ease any worries you might have about signing up for a Los Angeles SOLIDWORKS certification course.
In order to be successful on your SOLIDWORKS certifications exam, you will need to showcase a wide range of skills with SOLIDWORKS software. With 3D design now an important part of product development, earning the certification that proves your skills can go a long way in improving the outlook of your career. Out of the 20 possible certification exams, there are 2 that have prerequisites. This includes the CSWE - Mechanical Design exam and the CSWE - Simulation exam. In order to take the CSWE certification exam, you will be required to pass the CSWP exam and at least 4 of the CSWP advanced topic exams. If you have your sight set on the CSWE-S exam, you need to pass the CSWP exam, the CSWP-S exam, and the CSWA-S exam.
You will need to demonstrate different skills and answer questions depending on the Solidworks topic in which you are attempting to receive your certification. If you've decided to take on the CSWA exam, you could be challenged on concepts such as reference geometry, which will include mate, planes, and axis references. If you're preparing for the CSWPA-MM exam, you'll need to study the creation of side cores and tapered interlocks. There are a variety of reasons to earn your certification, from receiving a job promotion to having the documentation that could help you negotiate for a higher salary.
As you go up the ladder of Solidworks certification levels, you will have to contend with more advanced concepts. For example, if you are taking a Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) level exam such as the CSWA-Sustainability exam, you will not have to deal with the same degree of difficulty as you will have to when attempting a Certified SOLIDWORKS Expert (CSWE) level test such as the CSWE - Simulation exam. This is why you have to pass several lower-level tests to qualify for the two expert level exams.
A Los Angeles SOLIDWORKS certification class can employ an array of teaching strategies to assist your preparation. Your sessions will be led by an instructor who is an expert with the various aspects of Solidworks software. Your instructor can implement real-time lectures related to the material you will need to study for your test. All you have to do to attend class is sign into the Live Learning Platform. Here, you can participate in a virtual classroom, where you can benefit from learning tools such as a digital whiteboard and live video chat. Working with others who have the same goal can also benefit you in a variety of ways, as you can learn from each other and encourage one another to study hard for the exam. Since the class is live, this interaction and collaboration allow the instructor the freedom to help you study in a fun and engaging capacity.
One of the primary advantages of Los Angeles SOLIDWORKS certification training is that your class will be able to engage in direct discussions about the test content, which can help to reinforce some of the knowledge needed to perform well on the exam. It doesn't matter whether you're preparing for an Associate, Professional, or Expert level certification test. Anyone can benefit from the aid of a test prep class. Varsity Tutors can enroll you in a class that is geared towards helping you study all the necessary concepts in an efficient manner.
Your instructor can consider the specific test you are taking and provide you with a review according to the content you will confront on that exam. Plus, the course can do more than simply help brush up on your Solidworks skills and concepts. Your teacher can also impart valuable wisdom on other challenges, such as how to deal with a time limit. Even though not all of the tests are the same in terms of how much time is allowed, your instructor can help you become more efficient in the way you tackle each question.
No matter how well equipped you think you are for the exam, there's a good chance you'll be confused by certain questions. Your Los Angeles SOLIDWORKS certification class instructor is aware of this potential pitfall and can get you ready for this situation by incorporating exercises into your study sessions that will teach you how to evaluate questions in a way that gives you a better chance of answering correctly. In addition, your instructor can give you advice on how to deal with other roadblocks that can hamper your performance, such as test anxiety. These are just a few of the teaching methods your instructor can use to make sure you're well-prepared for the different challenges you will face on a SOLIDWORKS test. You even have the freedom to ask your instructor to have a one-on-one meeting with you to discuss a topic you're having trouble understanding and review the subject further.
At Varsity Tutors, we know that professional certification can provide your career with the boost it needs. This is the reason we dedicate ourselves to setting you up with expert instruction that can give you a better opportunity to earn SOLIDWORKS certification. If you'd like to find out more information about our scheduling process or anything else, you can contact us today over the phone or online. Varsity Tutors will be pleased to address your concerns and help you to enroll in Los Angeles SOLIDWORKS certification training that will carefully consider your scheduling and learning needs.
SOLIDWORKS Certifications
- CSWA - Mechanical Design
- CSWA - Mechanical Design - Academic Version
- CSWA-Simulation
- CSWA-Additive Manufacturing
- CSWA-Electrical
- CSWA–Sustainability
- Platform Explorer Associate
- CSWP - Mechanical Design
- CSWP - Mechanical Design - Academic Version
- CSWP-Simulation
- CSWP-Model Based Design
- CSWPA-Drawing Tools
- CSWPA-Mold Making
- CSWPA-Sheet Metal
- CSWPA-Surfacing
- CSWPA-Weldments
- Certified PDM Professional Administrator (CPPA)
- CSWE - Mechanical Design
- CSWE – Simulation

Trevor: Los Angeles SolidWorks instructor
...3D-Printing, aerospace, and mechanical design. I'm a highly motivated team player, and I strive to find challenging work that allows me to use all facets of my skillset. I love Math! It has always been my favorite subject, and I enjoy both learning about new concepts and sharing/teaching the ones I'm familiar with. I especially like...
Education & Certification
- Northeastern University - Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering
Subject Expertise
- SolidWorks
- AutoCAD
- Calculus 2
- +37 subjects