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Award-Winning CompTIA Network+ Certification Training in Kansas City, MO

Best instructors anywhere you are

Backed by our 100% Pass Pledge—the industry-leading guarantee

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Varsity Tutors provides a comprehensive Kansas City CompTIA Network+ certification course to help you review the concepts and test-taking strategies you need for exam day. CompTIA is a series of four professional certifications intended for IT professionals. The CompTIA Network+ certification covers the skills required to confidently design, manage, and troubleshoot wired and wireless devices in order to establish a viable network. Earning this certification can expand the job opportunities available to you or help you negotiate a higher salary at your current position, but it can be easier said than done. Keep reading to discover more about how we might be able to help you pursue your professional goals.

Any good Kansas City CompTIA Network+ certification training regimen begins by reviewing the central concepts you'll be tested on. For example, your instructor might review how to implement networking concepts appropriately, the creation of virtualized networks, and the pros and cons of existing network configurations to help you feel more prepared on exam day. Your instructor can also foster a learning environment in which questions are encouraged, allowing you to ask for help before a simple misunderstanding can snowball out of hand.

Your instructor might also incorporate practice exams into your Kansas City CompTIA Network+ certification training to help you understand what will be expected of you on exam day. You only have 90 minutes to answer a maximum of 90 questions, so experiencing what the time available feels like firsthand can help you manage it more effectively. If you're struggling to finish on time, your instructor can teach you time-saving tips to help you work faster without rushing. For instance, understanding the directions before you start working can save you time because you don't need to refer back to them on the actual exam. Your instructor can also review your practice exams with you to help you identify where you're doing well and any areas that could use a bit more work.

Each course we provide follows the same base formula: a class of students meets with a CompTIA Network+ teacher at a set time via our proprietary Live Learning Platform. We thoroughly vet every instructor, so you can trust that you're studying under the tutelage of a skilled communicator who really knows their stuff. Our Live Learning Platform also offers powerful features such as video chat capabilities and a virtual whiteboard so that you can see and hear your instructor as though you were in the same. As a result, asking for help is as easy as raising your hand.

Our Platform is also mobile-friendly, affording you the convenience of studying anywhere with a stable internet connection. If you want to attend a class from the Plaza branch of The Kansas City Public Library, you can do so. If you'd prefer to study without leaving home, you can do that too. Why bother commuting to a class when the class can come to you?

You can also communicate with your classmates in real-time on our proprietary Platform, creating a learning environment where everyone can work together in pursuit of their goals. For example, explaining troubleshooting methodology to a classmate can be a great way to reinforce your own understanding of the topic. Similarly, one of your new friends may offer a perspective that you find more relatable than your instructor's take on a particular subject. Your classmates can help you develop a more comprehensive understanding of CompTIA Network+ concepts that can help you professionally later on as well.

Varsity Tutors also makes it easy to attend a class. We provide two- and four-week classes concurrently, helping you find something that works for you. We also start new classes monthly, so you never need to wait long before getting started. Contact us today for more information on how taking a Kansas City CompTIA Network+ certification class could help you!

Contact us today to connect with a top Kansas City CompTIA Network+ instructor