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A photo of Rachel, a tutor from Medical University of South Carolina


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As a first-generation immigrant and the first in my family to pursue a career in medicine, I have always loved helping others reach their fullest potential in the same way people have helped me. I am a BS/MD student at the University of South Carolina, and I have a passion for science. However, I also love tutoring others in math, English, creative writing, and SAT prep. I have some tutoring experience, such as acting as the Cellular & Molecular Biology Student Instructor during my time at the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics in Morganton. I believe that the best way to teach students is through active recall and practice. Rather than simply speaking to them, it's important to make lectures interactive so that students are engaged and are ready to ask questions as needed. In my spare time, I love to write (as I am a published author) and spend time with my friends and family.

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Rachel’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Graduate Degree: Medical University of South Carolina - Current Grad Student, Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, General


In my free time, I love creative writing, reading, playing the violin, and hanging out with my friends and family.

Tutoring Subjects


College English

Creative Writing


Essay Editing

Fiction Writing

Foundations for College Mathematics

General Chemistry 2

Grade 10 Math

Grade 11 Math

Grade 12 Chemistry

Grade 9 Mathematics

High School Science


Math 1

Math 2

Math 3

Middle School Math

Middle School Social Studies

SAT Prep

SAT Math

SAT Writing and Language


Science Olympiad

Social Studies

Technical Writing

Test Prep


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