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A photo of Maria Luz, a tutor from Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Maria Luz

Certified Tutor

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I studied a bachelor's degree in Physics Science at Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana (Mexico City) and I have a Master in Science in Mathematics Teaching at Universidad de Guadalajara (Guadalajara, Mexico).
What I care most about my students is their understanding in the subject I'm teaching.
I've been tutoring since I was a student and I've been working online tutoring since more than 5 years.
I really think that everybody can learn Math if they have the right guide.

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Maria Luz’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Degree: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Bachelor, ´Physics Science

Degree: Universidad de Guadalajara - Master's/Graduate, Master en Teaching Mathematics

State Certified Teacher


I usually rescue cats. Sometimes making TNR (TRAP - NEUTER-REALEASE) and other times by giving in adoption. I volunteer en sterelization campaings where I have several tasks. I also have my urban garden where I have fruit and vegetables. I love reading. One of my favorite books is "EL infinito en la palma de la mano" -Giaconda Belli.

Tutoring Subjects

Algebra 2

Applied Mathematics


Calculus 2

College Math

Elementary School Math

Elementary Statistics

Grade 11 Math

Grade 9 Mathematics


Middle School Math

Physical Science



SAT Subject Test in Mathematics Level 1

SAT Subject Tests Prep


Test Prep


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