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A photo of Stephan, a tutor from Richland Community College


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I am passionate about the Japanese language and students of it.
I lived in Japan, learning the language and culture, for two years before I came back to the States and earned a bachelor's degree in Japanese from BYU, and am currently working towards a master's in education at UVU.

I tutor Japanese primarily, and it's my favorite subject to teach. My main philosophy when it comes to language learning is that everybody has a reason they're studying, and to help them fulfil that reason. Along with that, there are many routes to achieve that - there is rarely one "right" path.

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Stephan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Degree: Richland Community College - Associate, Science

Degree: Brigham Young University - Bachelor, Japanese


I love reading, gaming, and am known to do some woodworking on occasion.

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