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A photo of Lucas, a tutor from Washington University in St Louis


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If nothing else, college taught me the value and characteristics of a truly passionate and competent educator. I studied astrophysics and mathematics at Washington University in St. Louis, and was fortunate enough to interact with brilliant people in all of my classes. However, brilliance does not translate directly into teaching ability. I learned that the best teachers were not those who had the most research publications in scientific journals or went to the most prestigious schools, but the ones who derived genuine satisfaction from sharing their passion and knowledge with their students. These teachers are able to adapt to the different learning styles of their students, are humble enough to ask for and act on constructive criticism, and, most importantly, they never quit until the students themselves believe that they understand. In my teaching, I try to emulate these characteristics - adaptability, humility, and tenacity - so that my students and I are both satisfied.
My academic passion lies in physics, astronomy, and math, and these are my favorite subjects to teach. However, from the applications of physics in engineering to its overlap with chemistry, I love to teach anything related to STEM fields. If the subject attempts to explain how the universe works, then I want to teach it. Outside of academics, I love spending time outdoors, skiing, weightlifting, and playing board games with friends.

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Lucas’ Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Washington University in St Louis - Bachelor of Science, Astrophysics


I love the outdoors - hiking, biking, swimming, camping, and all the rest. In particular, my favorite activity is skiing. I also love astrophotography, capturing nightscapes and deep sky objects. When I'm indoors, I enjoy weightlifting to stay fit, playing music (although I'm self taught and certainly no Jimi Hendrix), and playing board games with my friends, with a soft spot for a good game of Settlers of Catan.

Tutoring Subjects

ACT Aspire

ACT Writing

AP Computer Science Principles

AP Physics 2


Calculus and Vectors

College Math

College Physics

College Statistics

Computer Science

Differential Calculus

Discrete Math

Elementary School Math

Elementary Statistics

Foundations for College Mathematics


Grade 10 Math

Grade 11 Math

Grade 9 Mathematics

High School Physics

IB Computer Science

IB Physics


Mathematics for College Technology

Middle School Math

Non-Euclidean Geometry


Physics 2


Quantum Mechanics

Quantum Physics


Special & General Relativity

Special Relativity

Technology and Coding

Test Prep

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