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A photo of Wei, a tutor from Xian jiaotong university


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Financial front-office role with experience in investment research, trading, and sales. Passionate about
exploring new concepts and diverse financial instruments, with a keen interest in researching complex
Demonstrates strong research, analysis, synthesis, and learning abilities. Achieved simultaneous CPA and CFA certifications within three years, topped the national rankings in the Fudan University, and secured the first position nationwide in both the written and oral examinations conducted by the CSRC.

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Wei’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Xian jiaotong university - Bachelor of Science, Accounting

Graduate Degree: Fudan university - Master of Science, Finance


Hiking, Driving, Diving World Travelers Master of photography

Tutoring Subjects

AP Chinese Language and Culture



Conversational Mandarin



Financial Accounting

International Business


Mandarin Chinese

Mandarin Chinese 1

Mandarin Chinese 2

Mandarin Chinese 3

Mandarin Chinese 4


Professional Certifications

Real Estate License

Visual Arts

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