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A photo of Joshua, a tutor from Western Washington University


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My name is Josh and I've had 5+ years of experience in all fields of writing. I'm a recent honor-roll graduate from Central Washington University, having majored in journalism and creative writing. I have four novels published, as well as authoring a dozen short stories, poems, novellas, and articles. I was the Director of Writing for CoderPrep, an online learning platform, am an AI trainer for Meta currently, and past employee of iMerit, a subcontractor of Meta as an English Specialist and AI Trainer. I love helping others of all ages be successful in their writing/speaking, both academically and professionally.

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Joshua’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Western Washington University - Bachelor in Arts, Journalism

Undergraduate Degree: Central Washington University - Bachelor in Arts, Journalism


Writing (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, academic), painting, fishing, and hiking.

Tutoring Subjects


ACCUPLACER ESL - Reading Skills

ACCUPLACER ESL - Sentence Meaning


ACT English

ACT Writing

Adult Literacy


CLEP English Literature

College English

Creative Writing

Elementary School English

Elementary School Writing


English Grammar and Syntax

Expository Writing

Fiction Writing

High School English

High School Writing


ISEE-Upper Level Writing

Middle School English

Middle School Writing

SAT Writing and Language

Test Prep


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