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A photo of Roseanne, a tutor from Alma College


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Hi there! Do you need help in nursing school? Not understanding the subjects? Feeling overwhelmed by all of the topics, and your brain has turned to mush? Let me help!

I focus on understand the important topics, and filtering out the unnecessary information that makes topics a LOT harder for NO reason! I help create fun ways to understand information, making flashcards, and help with understanding lectures. We will start each lesson by looking at the broad idea, creating a rough outline, then diving into supporting information. We will create a memorization method that works best for you, and I end each lesson with a quick review. Before each exam, I will have YOU teach ME the information! Take it from me, if you can teach it, YOU KNOW IT!

I will give you copies of my personal notes that have helped me pass my courses, personalised studying methods that I make specifically for you (flashcards, diagrams ect.), practice quizzes/exams FREE OF CHARGE, and a copy of all of the information we go over each lesson so you dont stress out if you forgot information! You will feel confident for each quiz/exam, and you will leave each lesson amazed at the information you have learned!

Bottom line, I know what your going through, and I am here to make sure you understand the topics you need to know so you can take more time to focus on YOU! Nursing school is stressful, hard, and frustrating. I promise, you will get through it, and I hope I get to help!

Hope to hear from you soon!

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Roseanne’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Alma College - Bachelor of Science, Nursing (RN)


I love to be outdoors! My current hobbies for the summer include fishing, hiking, camping, and gardening! For those days where its rainy and glum, I love crocheting and drawing!

Tutoring Subjects

Adult Health and Wellness


Elementary School Science

Emergency Medicine

Health Care Administration

Health Care Policy

High School Biology

Medical Ethics

Medical Terminology








Public Health


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