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A photo of Heather, a tutor from Catholic University of America


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I am a lawyer who graduated with a J.D. degree from The University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law. Prior to law school, I attended Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, where I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English literature. I have always had excellent reading, comprehension, and writing skills, which helped me to succeed in school and in my professional legal career. After graduating from law school, I was a law clerk for two Maryland judges, for whom I frequently had to draft legal opinions. I subsequently became a legal research and legal training specialist for law students and also for attorneys in large law firms. My previous volunteer experience includes being a reading tutor for a non-profit organization in DC, where I worked one-on-one with elementary and middle school students who were reading below grade level. I am a stickler for proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling, so I enjoy teaching these very important skills to my students so that they can succeed academically. It gives me immense satisfaction to see a student progress and become more confident in an area in which he or she started out struggling. I am a huge proponent of education, therefore, my goal is to help students see the value, and appreciate the end result, of hard work and determination. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, traveling, exploring new restaurants, and spending time with my husband, our 11-year-old son (6th grader), and our family dog!

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Heather’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Catholic University of America - Bachelor in Arts, English

Graduate Degree: University of Maryland-College Park - Juris Doctor, Legal Studies


Reading, traveling, board games, playing with my dog.

Tutoring Subjects

Administrative Law

Bar Exam


Business Writing

College English

Constitutional Law

Contract Law

Creative Writing

Criminal Law

Dissertation Writing


English Grammar and Syntax

Expository Writing

Family Law

Graduate Test Prep

High School English

High School Reading

High School Writing

Intellectual Property Law


Legal Research

Legal Writing

LSAT Argumentative Writing

Middle School

Middle School English

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing


Professional Certifications

Property Law


Thesis Writing

Tort Law


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