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A photo of Francisca, a tutor from SUNY at Purchase College


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Since 2015 I have enjoyed providing quality English tutoring to speakers of other languages. I love teaching students to appreciate every aspect of English from technical precision to creative expression, basic phonics to dynamic prosody. I have consistently ranked among top teachers on all the platforms I've tutored on, and I have taught all ages and levels from toddlers to teens to professionals.

I completed my Bachelor of Fine Arts in 2005 at Purchase College at the State University of New York and more recently received certification in a 150 hour master course in TESOL/TEFL from Teflen Training College.

In my classes I love exploring literature, developing writing, and improving pronunciation. Most of all I love finding what the student is interested in and discovering how a better command of English can enhance their literacy in other subjects such as Art, Science, Sports, History, Current Events, and even on Social Media.

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Francisca’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: SUNY at Purchase College - Bachelor of Fine Arts, Dance


I love dance, theater, and music, traveling, reading and especially watching world cinema. What movie do you recommend from your country?

Tutoring Subjects




Elementary School

Elementary School English

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing



IB Dance


Middle School

Middle School English

Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing


Performing Arts


Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization


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