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A photo of Luz “Luna”, a tutor from Georgia State University

Luz “Luna”

Certified Tutor

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I earned my BA in Modern Languages (Licenciada en Lenguas Modernas: ingles y frances) from Universidad Javeriana in Bogota, Colombia. Additionally, I hold a graduate certificate in translation (ingles y espanol) from Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia, and a Master's degree in Spanish from Georgia State University. My professional journey has encompassed various roles, including teaching Spanish at the University of North Georgia (formerly Gainesville State College) and serving as a medical interpreter in both English and Spanish for over 5 years. As I embark on my next professional endeavor, I am excited about the prospect of tutoring and teaching.

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Luz “Luna”’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Graduate Degree: Georgia State University - Master of Arts, Spanish


Teaching, tutoring, translating, interpreting, proofreading. Researching about linguistics and divinity. Love music, dancing, bowling, horseback riding and spending time with my family.

Tutoring Subjects


Conversational Spanish


English Grammar and Syntax




Spanish 1

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

Spanish 4

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