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A photo of Walter, a tutor from University of North Georgia


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I'm looking forward to seeing you in the classroom! I've taught Spanish and English at all levels to students of all ages. With me, you can expect an interactive and dynamic classroom. My main goal is to get you speaking and interacting with the language you're learning. I love to incorporate technology for learning outside of the classroom to ensure consistent language acquisition.

By the time you're finished in my class, you'll be able to use your language skills in everyday situations and also to analyze texts and offer an opinion in educational conversations. By having a second language under your belt, you'll be able to even communicate in professional settings. Reading comprehension is one of my favorite techniques in order to get students to understand the language more. This allows them to practice grammar and vocabulary then discuss texts in the target language to practice pronunciation and listening.

Previous Resources for beginner and intermediate classes: Duolingo, Senor Wooly, routines, etc.

Previous Resources for advanced language classes: daily newspaper articles, Fluentu, relevant reading assignments, Khan Academy, etc.

Be assured that I'm qualified to teach you since I've lived, studied, taught and worked professionally in Latin America speaking Spanish. I've been teaching languages since 2013.

I'm from the states and very excited to impart my knowledge of the world onto you for your benefit!

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Walter’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of North Georgia - Bachelor in Arts, International Relations


anime, sports, food, inspiring others to learn another language.

Tutoring Subjects


Conversational Spanish





Spanish 1

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

Spanish 4

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