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A photo of Carrie, a tutor from University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth


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I am a University of Massachusetts Alumni, having obtained a bachelor's degree in Political Science, with a focus in State and Municipal Government, in just three years. During my career as a student, I have studied in France, been an appointed town commissioner, and interned at the Massachusetts State House. Outside of these achievements, I worked as a waterfront lifeguard and swim instructor as well as being an active community member. This background has given me a diverse set of skills allowing me to make innovative decisions in fluid and dynamic situations. However, as a child I would not have imagined I would have these experiences. After struggling to perform at the same level as my peers, I repeated kindergarten with one-on-one tutoring. This tutoring gave me a foundation to succeed, and it is because of this experience that I believe in the importance to know the needs of each student. Each child is different and has different needs in order to flourish, I want to work together to create an environment that will encourage success.

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Carrie’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth - Bachelor in Arts, Political Science and Government


In my free time I am a cat mom and pursue hobbies that enrich my life. I love to read, cook, run, and craft.

Tutoring Subjects

Creative Writing


Essay Editing

Fiction Writing

High School Writing

Thesis Writing


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