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A photo of Katelyn, a tutor from Hillsborough Community College


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I am a Hillsborough Community College graduate. I have an Associates in Arts and an Associates in Science. I am currently working on my Bachelors Degree in Health Sciences. My ultimate goal is to become a Pediatric Cardio-Thoracic Surgeon. I have been practicing Ultrasound for 6 years and I am currently ARDMS registered- my specialties include OB/GYN, Fetal Echo and Abdomen. I also hold my NT and CLEAR certifications. I have had experience teaching ultrasound students hands on at clinical sites and fellow employees. My favorite subject to teach is Fetal Echo. This realm of ultrasound really intrigued me and became one of my passions.
This field of work also made me aware of my love for teaching students and answering questions to the best of my ability. Being that I am still active in the field ensures that my skillset is up to date and knowledge is current (as we know, the medical field is always evolving and changing). I am willing to teach anyone interested in learning ultrasound or passing their registries. I currently work in a high risk pregnancy clinic performing fetal echos, special procedures and in depth ultrasounds of fetuses. I also have hospital experience as well as outpatient. My schedule is flexible. Please e-mail or contact me to set a schedule!

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Katelyn’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Hillsborough Community College - Associate in Science, Diagnostic Medical Sonography


Since being a Sonographer, I have discovered that I am passionate about teaching ultrasound to future and or current students. The fetal heart is my favorite subject. :) Outside of teaching, I love spending time with my children, reading, going to the beach and working out.

Tutoring Subjects

ARDMS - RDMS - Abdomen (AB)

ARDMS - RDMS - Fetal Echocardiography (FE)

ARDMS - RDMS - Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB/GYN)


ARRT - Sonography

Professional Certifications

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