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A photo of Meghna, a tutor from University of Pune


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I recently earned my Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences from UT (University of Texas) Health San Antonio. Originally from India, I have previously received my M.Sc. in Biotechnology from the University of Pune. I am a trained Biology Researcher/Scientist, and of course Biology-related subjects are my favorite! Having been a lifelong student, I extend my expertise and passion for the Sciences as a tutor on this platform. To this end, I have been trained to teach at undergraduate institutions through the UTeach (University Teaching Excellence) certification course. Further, I am driven to help children and youth by serving as a good role model. Therefore, I have been involved in several youth-based initiatives as a volunteer and mentor, such as Big Brothers Big Sisters and the NYAS (New York Academy of Sciences) 1000 Girls, 1000 Futures programs. In grad school, I participated in various Science communication and engagement activities to present advances in biomedical research to the general public. Moreover, I also trained and mentored several high school and university trainees in laboratory research. Thus, as a tutor, I will be able to go beyond the textbook to help students learn and appreciate concepts in various Science-based subjects. My objective is to share my enthusiasm and knowledge with my students, while hopefully making the Sciences fun and interesting for them in the process. Beyond academia, I enjoy wonderful stories be it through books, movies, TV or podcasts, visiting new and fascinating places, and spending as much time possible with friends and family.

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Meghna’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Graduate Degree: University of Pune - Master of Science, Biotechnology

Graduate Degree: The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio - Doctor of Philosophy, Biomedical Sciences


I enjoy wonderful stories be it through books, movies, TV or podcasts, visiting new and fascinating places, and spending as much time possible with friends and family.

Tutoring Subjects





Cell Biology

College Biology

Developmental Biology


Evolutionary Biology

Genetic Engineering

Graduate Level Biology


Honors Biology


Life Sciences


Middle School Math

Middle School Science

Molecular Biology

Molecular Genetics

Plant Biology


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