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A photo of Mark, a tutor from Oakland University


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I originally graduated from a small college in Michigan named Oakland University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry. One of the requirements for the program was to take a computer programming class. During that class, I learned what I really wanted to do, which was to become a computer programmer. However, since I was close to graduating, I stayed the course and continued with Chemistry as I was employed in the field. One day I found a technical school that offered Computer Programming and started taking night classes to change my career. After getting my diploma, I went on to take online classes at the University of Phoenix to earn a Master's Degree in Computer Information Science. Since graduating, I have over 20 years experience in Information Technology working in numerous roles. One of the things that stood out at the technical school was the hands on teaching and the close-knit environment that the school offered. I hope to offer this same type of experience. Close, hands-on teaching where the student feels the instructor cares and that the instructor is knowledgeable about the subject. My goal is to help students through their studies by breaking down the subjects into smaller digestible pieces and develop a firm foundation in their academic achievements. I know how tough learning can be as I worked full time during my educational years and feel I can use my knowledge to provide a positive learning experience.

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Mark’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Oakland University - Bachelor of Science, Chemistry

Graduate Degree: University of Phoenix - Master of Science, Computer and Information Systems Security


My interests outside the classroom include boating, tennis, and golf along with being an avid racing fan.

Tutoring Subjects



Computer Programming

Grade 12 Chemistry

High School Chemistry


Programming Languages

Relational Databases



Technology and Coding

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