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A photo of Katharine, a tutor from Butler University


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I have been an educator for 30 years, and have taught many interesting subjects. I love to work with students and to see that spark of learning in their eyes! Meeting people from all over the world and learning about different cultures is one of my passions.

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Katharine’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Butler University - Bachelor in Arts, International Relations

Graduate Degree: Indiana University-Bloomington - Master of Arts, Musicology and Ethnomusicology


My family and I live on 11 acres of mostly forest land in Southern Indiana. I love to cook, and take care of our two dogs, Layla and Onyx, as well. Front porch sitting is a favorite pasttime of ours, as living in the country gives you a lot of wildlife to enjoy! We do a lot of traveling, and going to the beach in Georgia and South Carlolina is one of our favorites. Our daughter is an artist, and is in college at art school currently. I have a MA in ethnomusicology, and I am a retired dancer of 26 years, but just produce music now. I got a second MA in Jyotish, or Vedic astrology, and do consultations. I make my own homemade skincare and aromatherapy products, but I sometimes set up a booth at expos and conferences. My dream to is to go to Italy, Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt and India someday! I've travelled to 14 countries, and am eager to try more!

Tutoring Subjects




Business Writing

College English

Creative Writing


English Grammar and Syntax


Essay Editing

Expository Writing

Fiction Writing


Social Sciences

Technical Writing


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