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A photo of Rebecca, a tutor from American University


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I am a graduate of American University in Washington D.C. with a bachelor's in Psychology and a minor in Public Health. I value the idea that not all students learn by one teaching style. Therefore I make it a priority to cater my tutoring style to the needs of the individual. I worked in lab, classroom, and clinical settings to grasp psychological and health concepts throughout my undergrad time. However, I also hold a passion for writing and helping people get their voices across! In addition, I am interested in research sciences and social and hard sciences. I love to take long walks, spend time with my little dog, and explore the restaurants in D.C. in my free time!

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Rebecca’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: American University - Bachelor in Arts, Psychology


- Research - Writing - Sciences - Hiking - Spending time in the city - Soccer - Hot Yoga

Tutoring Subjects

AP Psychology



College Biology

College English

Elementary School

Elementary School English


English Grammar and Syntax

High School Biology

High School Chemistry

High School English



Middle School

Middle School English

Middle School Science



Public Health


Social Sciences

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