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A photo of Shelby, a tutor from Pensacola State College


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I am currently a special education teacher in Pensacola, FL. I have been teaching for five years ranging from elementary, middle school math, and special education. In 2018, I received a dual bachelors in elementary and special education from Western Governors University.

I have always had a passion for helping children grow and learn new or existing skills. Growing up, school was important to my family and that helped me see the value in a good education. In today's world, many students are not taught the importance of an education at home. So I strive to instill the value of education in all my students.

I started this journey when I was sixteen years old by giving children horseback riding lessons at my barn. Now I look back and see how much I have learned and grown as a teacher. I have attended professional learning conferences around the US about topics such as classroom management, enriching curriculum, IEPs and differentiating instruction, positive behavior support, and so much more.

I have also hosted tutoring at my elementary school for the last two years. I honestly have to say that math is my all time favorite subject to teach students.

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Shelby’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Pensacola State College - Associate in Arts, Education

Undergraduate Degree: Western Governors University - Bachelor in Arts, Special Education

Undergraduate Degree: Western Governors University - Bachelor in Arts, Elementary School Teaching


I love going to the beach, riding on the boat, going for walks, riding horses, and spending time with my family!

Tutoring Subjects

Elementary School

Elementary School Math

Learning Differences


Middle School Math


Special Education

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