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I am a graduate from University of Central Missouri. I have a Bachelors degree in Elementary Education, a Masters degree in Literacy Education, and Specialists degree in Educational Technology. Since graduating with my Bachelors degree I have been working as a first grade teacher for 8 years and teaching English online to students in China. Although I love teaching all thing elementary, I am most passionate about early reading skills and math. I believe reading is on of the most important (and fun!) skill a person needs to succeed and I truly enjoy helping students become successful in reading. I believe all students are capable of being a successful learner, we just have to find what works best for them. When I am not teaching or tutoring I enjoy traveling, reading, going to the movies, and having game nights with my friends and family.

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Stephanie’s Qualifications


In my spare time I enjoy reading books - mystery books are my favorite. I love to travel and explore new places and have been to 10 different countries! I also enjoy game nights with my friends and family. Strategy games that make you think are my favorite.

Tutoring Subjects


Elementary Reading and Phonics Class

Elementary School

Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary School Writing






Reading Fundamentals: Phonics and Decoding


Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization


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